Cool SMS Collection ! Great messages !
Cool SMS
* Small minds talk about Sales, Average minds talk about Business , Great minds talk about Growth ... LEGENDS never talk... they only PERFORM !
* There is no Good or Bad in this world , but thinking makes it so ! What people call 'congestion' in a bus or train , becomes "ATMOSPHERE" in a pub !
* TRUST is the basis of all relations , a small mistake can change it's entire meaning .Like the missing letter 'T" can 'RUST' the relation !
* A beautiful life does not just happen ... it is built daily, in prayer, humility, sacrifices and love .
* A beautiful life does not just happen ... it is built daily, in prayer, humility, sacrifices and love .
May a beautiful life be yours , Today Tomorrow & Forever ....
* Friendship is a silent gift of nature.
* Friendship is a silent gift of nature.
More old, more strong.
More deep, more clear.
Less words , more UNDERSTANDING !
Happy Friendship Day !
* Friendship is like the cold drops of water in the hot desert of life !
* Friend means who always with you whether you are in joy or sorrow .
*I know you love Her !
he is pretty, she is hot, she is so rich and cultured.
Congrats , She turns 61 . HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY !
* If God answers your prayer, he is increasing your Faith.
If he delays, he is increasing your Patience.
If he doesn't answer, he knows YOU can handle it !
* May the blessings of God harass you,
Happiness attack you wherever you go.
May misery be hijacked from you and
May thieves pickpocket all your worries..
Have A Great Day !
* This is a special time , when family and friends get together for fun;
Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days in this festive season and always...
* May this season of lights shower lots of happiness and luck on you ;
Wish you a very happy and prosperous DIWALI !
* May 'Maa Kali' empower you with her 9 blessings - Name, Fame,Health,
Wealth, Happiness,Humanity,Gyaan(learning),Bhakti(devotion) and Shakti (power). Happy Diwali !
* Traffic ad of the year :
Lord Ganesha says....
" Care for your head , not everyone gets a replacement like me !"
* Think GENTLY , Talk SIMPLY ,
and most important :
Remember me DAILY !
* Don't expect anything from life , expectations hurt !
When you don't expect, every moment is a surprise and surprise , brings you
* Facts of Life: "The world suffers a lot, Not because of violence of Bad people , But because of silence of Good people".
* Sweet is your nature, Dear is your name, close to my heart you will always remain. As Earth wants water, Flower wants dew, I want nothing but happines for you !
* Like birds,let's leave behind what we don't need to carry ...Grudges
and Regrets .
Fly light.Life is beautiful ..! Have a nice Day !
and Regrets .
Fly light.Life is beautiful ..! Have a nice Day !
Offers us his
Devotion to
Make us
Obidient and
Ready for a
New day to
New aim for the
Glory of life !
*The Dream is not what you see in sleep....Dream is the thing which does not let you sleep ! Good Night !
*Leadeship counts ...A group of donkeys lead by a lion can defeat a group of lions by a donkey !
* Great friendships are not necessarily about finding similarities...It is more about respecting differences !!
see, how we loose our identity when we forget.."I" of 'I N D I A N' Be Indian , Happy Republic Day !
* Good Morning . Have a Good Day .If you don't have a "Good Day", no problem. There are other brands like...'50-50' ,'Parle Glucose', Little Hearts' , 'Marie' , 'Thin Arraroot' ..... ENJOY !
*Each moment in a day, has it's own value,
Morning brings hope,
Afternoon brings faith,
Evening brings love ,
Night brings rest ;
Wish you find them all today and forever !
*Some friends forget , Some move away,Some keep silent , Some just change ,But I am not one of them , I am here for now and forever !
*Trusting in God won't make the mountain smaller , but will make climbing easier .
Do not ask him for a lighter load but ask Him for a stronger back !